Simple Activities for Entertaining Kids on Rainy Days

Finding joy in the mundane and dreary days

First, a story about our recent rainy day.

I dread when I check the forecast and it says all-day rain. It just doesn’t mix well with the activity level and attention span of a 3 year old and 1 year old. I thought how am I going to manage them and my sanity? 

One particular day, however, I saw the forecast and started to plan! If I have a plan then I can feel less chaotic. I feel more in control when the non-stop requests for tv and treats start trying to pull me down like quicksand. I thought to myself I would really love to keep the house clean and orderly despite the conditions of the day (Ha!). Wishful thinking sister. Still I pondered a plan…

I guess I will make a FORT for the kids. I loved forts when I was a kid, but I will say I don’t love forts now. They make a mess and the kids always want to leave them up for way longer than necessary. They move onto another activity and then when I get close to start packing it up, they quickly notice and say “no no no!” I can’t get anything past my 3 year old. It’s incredible. And incredibly scary. Nevertheless, we headed upstairs to make our fort because, remember, I still plan to leave the rest of my house clean. I dragged up some bedsheets. Used the Swiffer to prop up the middle part and started to tie each corner to different pieces of furniture. My 3 year old was quick to drag in his bedding, some play food, some drum sticks, and the Christmas tree light from his sister’s room (which we forgot to put away with all the Christmas stuff. I guess that’ll stay out through next Christmas.) 

It was getting close to lunchtime so I said, “let’s have a PICNIC in our fort today!” Immediately I thought, I should have thought about that longer. But my 3 yr old already shouted “yay!!” Well, what’s done is done. I went to make lunch. We started eating on the floor. I was pleasantly surprised that they were still and content eating for a few minutes. I thought what a great mom. This is so fun! I played some instrumental music from Spotify. It was calm and nice! Of course, it gave me a “take this moment in” feeling. I was admiring my kids and sitting in the messiness of the fort thinking, I’m thankful. It’s ok that it’s messy. Besides the rest of the house is still cleanish. This is fun for them and makes this rainy day fun too. About that time, my 1 yr old started crawling over to her brother to take his food. Then he pushed her so the moment was gone. And the fort is still up. I told you… it’ll be after bedtime when I can take it down and even then, I expect to be asked about it tomorrow morning. Nothing gets past him. 

Other tips and tricks for rainy day success:

  1. Get out there— If the rain isn’t too bad, put on your raincoat and go out in it! A little mud and mess never hurt anyone. If it burns the energy and gets the wiggles out it’s worth it.
  2. Long baths— my kids love bath time and so if yours does too, a long bath can give you a longer break too.
  3. Movie!–Feeling extra excited to give your kid a treat or perhaps you need more of a break because of work or sickness. Turn on a movie you feel in appropriate or a favorite!
  4. Bake— Every so often I feel up for the task of baking with my toddler. If this is you and you don’t mind the clean up or the risk of licking the batter spoon with raw eggs, then this is a fun one!
  5. Deep clean or sort the house— Do your kids love to help with chores? If the answer is yes, the take it while you can, right? Rainy days make for a good time to go through old clothes or closets. Wipe out the label maker and let the kids help!
  6. House Projects— Are there safe house projects the kids can help with? If you happen to check the forecast and see rain (especially extended rain days) coming then go get your supplies for that house project you’ve been wanting to do.
  7. Play Hide and Seek— I feel this is a game that never gets old, but maybe I am naive.

What do you do with your kids on rainy days? Click the link RAINY DAYS to collaborate and share your thoughts on the Facebook group!

May your rainy days filled with contentment,



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