
Hi, I’m Michelle

Welcome to TRI Hard Mama!

  I’m a wife, a mom of 2 small kids, and a registered dietitian. My passions are fitness and health, and encouraging other moms on the challenging and rewarding journey of motherhood. That’s why I started TRI Hard Mama.  

You may be wondering, “Does the world really need another blog”?  I’ve wondered the same thing, but my hope is that I can offer some unique insights by writing from a realistic and practical perspective at the three-way intersection of Fitness, Nutrition, and Motherhood.  

So often, it feels like bloggers and social media influencers create content from an idealistic and unrealistic perspective.  I mean, who REALLY has time to train for an ironman just after giving birth while homeschooling, potty training, homemaking, career building, having a social life and looking good while doing it? The myth of the perfect supermom creates comparison, burnout and despair. 


TRI Hard Mama exists to provide a fresh and authentic perspective.  I want to encourage all you mamas out there to keep “Trying Hard” by sharing personal insights, recommendations to helpful products and resources, and making connections so we can encourage each other wherever we are on the journey of fitness and motherhood.  Because perfection is unattainable, but perseverance is powerful!  


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill




I’ve always been active, playing sports all my life and winning a state championship in basketball during my younger years (where did they go??). I have completed a few sprint triathlon races, a half marathon, and numerous 5k races. They’re for a good cause… gets me every time. 


My motivations for fitness have evolved over the years; I’m sure you can relate.  Whether you are on a journey of self improvement, pursuing functional fitness to be a better mama bear, or training for your next event, I hope that the THM community can be an inspiration and motivation!



As a registered dietitian, I’ve always been fascinated how food affects the body in so many ways.  It can energize and heal you, or make you sluggish, overweight, or even sick!  Our bodies are incredibly complex machines, so how we fuel them is often the key to thriving.


In the Biblical creation narrative, God fills the garden of Eden with a plethora of fruits and vegetables and gives them all to humanity to eat.  Nowadays, most people think that food comes from a grocery store, or a wrapper.  Modern food is bursting with sugar, preservatives, and lab created chemicals.  It’s no wonder that the world is fatter, sicker, and more depressed than ever before!  


At the same time, our world is busier, more distracted, and more stressed than ever before, leaving less time to prepare healthy, whole food.  Our health can so often be traded for convenience and trust me, as a mom… I get it.  THM is here to help bridge the gap between health and convenience, providing practical nutrition insights and recipes for the modern mom.



I went through my first pregnancy and childbirth in 2020, magnifying that great unknown with the isolation and uncertainty of a global pandemic.  That experience totally changed me, and it still is! No matter what life brings, I will never again not be a mom.  It is one of my deepest identities. Everything I do, think, or say is as a mom.  So naturally, I am writing this blog from a mom’s perspective.


One of the most important things that the isolation of 2020 taught me is how important community is.  We were not made to do life alone.  In a world that is more connected than ever, we often seem more divided and isolated than ever.  What a paradox.  THM is a community of moms that exists to encourage each other in our shared experiences: the joys and the struggles. 


Despite my core identity as a mom, I am still an individual with unique needs, desires, and interests.  My hope is that this blog / community can encourage you to pursue an active hobby just for YOU.  Ironically, cultivating your individuality could be the healthiest thing for your mom identity!



Cultivating perseverance in motherhood through an active and healthy lifestyle.







Being a mom is hard. Fitness is Hard.
you have what it takes!

Join us in embracing the challenges of motherhood with resilience and vitality! Experience the power of perseverance through an active and healthy lifestyle. Take the first step towards a stronger, happier you. We need each other to persevere well. Let’s embark on this journey together!


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